Home office knowledge for confident and successful leaders
For many companies, home office was at most a marginal phenomenon until 2020. Quite suddenly, the world of work has changed fundamentally. Exactly this marginal phenomenon was explicitly demanded in many companies in everyday life, by society and politics.
Many executives did not grow up as “digital natives” and now have to acquire new skills very quickly.
It is now becoming apparent that the best professionals are leaving. The experts go to companies that offer you the mobile working options you want!
As a future successful manager , in most industries you cannot avoid learning how to really lead your team online !
Here you will find all the necessary hand tools in a compact form so that you can confidently concentrate on an effective and productive everyday work life again with your home office! You and your team can then go back to making money. Home office and hybrid work remain and you are prepared for the future.
Duration: 2 days
Speaker: Hannah Nitschinger
Target group: Executives, entrepreneurs and decision-makers
Price per booking for max. approx. 6 – 8 managers from one company
Topics basic workshop corporate success in home office
- What are the prerequisites for going successfully into the future with decentralized teams?
- What really has to happen, apart from a well-functioning technical connection, so that entire teams can work effectively within their own four walls
can work productively? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of offering home office working models?
- Which hardware is necessary & how is the connection to your company?
- Tools for easy & effective collaboration in a decentralized team
- Communication, motivation and trust in decentralized teams
- Stress prevention and health promotion (or how do I reduce sick leave) in home office
- if necessary, a short digression: data protection, privacy, labor law and occupational safety
I can assure you that you are not alone with your questions about working from home. Discussions with a number of companies show us that comprehensive advice and / or training for decentralized work is useful and necessary almost everywhere.
- In preparation, you can view questions from the workbook “Business success in home office” from the “WHoO New Work Checklists” series.
- For larger companies, separate bookings for executives from different areas can make sense so that their requirements can be focused more specifically.
Appointments can be made before or after booking.
Note if you would like to develop more individually in this area:
You can also book coaching on this topic from WHoO – experts for W orking in Home- O ffice . As a rule, we will then accompany you for 8 – 12 weeks. During this time you will develop your skills and learn to apply methods in a playful and goal-oriented manner that will make you and your hybrid or decentralized team / company fit and productive for the future.
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